Last week I was able to finish adding the slider function to the panoramic images which will act as a header for our web pages. We met at the beginning of the week, both our proposal and website design have been finalised, although we feel that our proposal is not completely finished, we believe that our focus on capitalism needs to be addressed more coherently in our proposal; although this is a minor issue.

Now that we have finalised the website design, and we have nearly completed rescaling image sizes and editing we were able to make a start on creating the website in dream weaver. I have made the decision to create the website in dreamweaver because of our content and design. Although it features a simplistic design, it is still a fairly original framework featuring an ‘Index/Homepage’, ‘Gallery’, ‘FAQ’ and ‘Reviews’.

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Today, I added both the “Advoid” logo and text over the panoramic images, to aid navigation of the website, we have edited all of the image stitches and rescaled them to an appropriate size. When taking the images, I shot them on a Cannon 700D and then stitched individual images to create one large panoramic image. This created slight difficulties as the resolution and image size was very high (around 14000px / 4000px). We chose to shoot on that camera because we wanted large images with exceptional quality and detail however when we rescaled the images to such a small size (1000px / 284px) some of the image quality was lost. Despite this, we were still able to feature large panoramic images that effectively portray the purpose of our proposal. The panoramic images effectively show the removal of brands and logos.

We were also able to create the image composition that will be used as a popup alert for our website. There is still a number of different tasks that still need to be completed however we are making good progress.